Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Friday, June 19, 2009

One Way in Concert

Our latest event was the great One Way in Concert. It was amazing to see our students' performances. They're highly talented and showed that to everybody who was there.
We had the participation of great people like the DJ Roger Peli from São Paulo and the singer Anderson Lima sang for us at the school previous activities (One Way Idol). He has sung at Raul Gil's program and at Astros (watch it next month). In the Concert, the spectacle brought many moving moments, one of them took place when the student Rafael sang and played the piano... Emotioning!!!! We also had the participation of Giovani (dancing), Fernando (playing the guitar), the teen girls ballet (dancing), the teachers (playing and singing) and the students from different levels wondefully singing . The whole Concert was interpreted by the students and Philip (Phil) was the official interpreter. For those who missed it, I'm sorry... Next time you should be there and enjoy it with us!!!! You won't regret!!!

Thank you everybody!!!
Thank you, the parents who gave all the support and lovely claps so that this event could be possible a success!!!! We hope to retribute it with our best!!!!
God bless you all!!!

Monday, April 27, 2009

You can´t miss it!

Beauty and the Beast
A healthy dose of Disney magic makes this classic tale a favorite for family audiences.
Certain stories carry on from generation to generation and earn the designation "timeless" for good reason. Beauty and the Beast is one such story.Disney's Beauty and the Beast has been charming Broadway audiences for more than 10 years, and every year a whole new generation discovers the magic behind the castle walls. Brilliantly adapted from the Academy Award-winning animated film, this much-loved spectacle has thrilled more than 20 million people worldwide with show-stopping musical numbers, astonishing sets, lavish costumes and never-before-seen magic and special effects.In Beauty and the Beast, Belle, a young woman in a small, provincial town, meets the Beast, in [IMG:L]reality a young prince whose lack of compassion has trapped him in a spell placed by an enchantress. If the Beast can learn to love and to be loved, the spell will be broken and he will be transformed back to his former self. But time is running out, and if the Beast does not learn his lesson, he will be doomed for all eternity.
Be our guest for a storybook theatrical experience your whole family will love!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

The Eye Drop Funnel Glasses

This Saturday morning I asked my great students to come up with some ideas for an advertisement... what was not an easy task since the product was not an ordinary one, glasses with funnels for eye dropping! Look at their Pieces of Art:

Great job guys! You are unique!